Maria A. Ioannou

Photo © privat
Website address: www.mariajoannoushortstories.wordpress.comSocial Media: found under: Maria A. Ioannou

Why did you decide to take part in this project? What is your interest within the engagement with the „reading format“?

The collaboration with another artist, from a different medium, will help me push the boundaries of both myself and my writing. I am fascinated by the possibilities of experimentation within a writing/reading format, and the ways a literary text can change itself and the way we perceive literature.

Maria A. Ioannou was born in 1982, in Limassol, Cyprus. She studied English Literature and 20th Century Literature in the UK and she is currently a PhD Creative Writing student. Her collection of short stories – “The Gigantic Fall of an Eyelash” (Gabrielides Publishing, Athens 2011) – has been awarded the Emerging Writer Literary Prize by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus and has been selected to represent Cyprus in Budapest First Book Festival 2014 and Kikinda Short Story Festival. She is also the founder of “Sardam”, an annual literature festival (starting year: 2013) which presents alternative literary readings by writers from Cyprus and abroad. Her second short story collection – “Cauldron” – has been published by Nefeli Publishing (Athens, 2015). The book has been nominated for the Best Young Writer Award by Klepsydra/Enastron in Greece and has been selected to be translated into Serbian and Hungarian within the next two years.