Rike Scheffler

Photo © Claudio Puntin
Website Address: www.rikescheffler.tumblr.com

Rike Scheffler is a poet, artist and performer based in Berlin creating work at the intersection of music and poetry, across media and art forms. She alternates between publishing poetic pieces and more performance oriented, often sound-driven shows and spacial interventions. She enjoys challenging common perceptions through small words and sounds and creating spaces through language. Rike collaborates frequently with other artists such as Ólafur Elíasson’s Institute for Spacial Experiments, the composer and sound virtuoso Claudio Puntin and poets like Daniela Seel and Mette Moestrup.

Recent work include the 3 part poetry intervention “words that hurt” for the “Festival of Future Nows” at the Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin (2014), the collaborative Poetry/Music/Performance workshop “from hear to here” in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia (2015) and a poetry exhibition called “Your Exhibition“ in Copenhagen, Denmark within the Louisiana Literature Festival at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (2016).

Rike studied Psychology, Anthropology and Literary Writings in both Berlin and Leipzig. She has published work in many journals and anthologies and received various scholarships and residencies. Her poetry collection “der rest ist resonanz (kookbooks, 2014) won the Orphil Debut Prize for political and Avantgarde writing. The jury called her “a modern Sappho, with a loopstation and a guitar. Her poems celebrate the compositional union of language, music and singing, unfolding as text-sound-collages of extraordinary hypnotic power.”Right now she is writing an Opera with the composer Claudio Puntin.
