SWANTJE LICHTENSTEIN (Sound) Writer/Artist, Professor, Translator, Editor, Producer. Her main interest are liminal agenicies between performance, text, (electro-acustic) sound and theory. Her base is language and text based sound art, electro-acustic and conceptual writing and recordings from a transmedial and feminist perspective. She performed worldwide in different festivals and locations: Sound-Text-Festival, Issue Project Room/Goethe Institute New York, non event/Goethe Institute, Boston, Poetic Voices Africa-Festival, Cologne., Sound Eye-Festival, Cork, International Poetry Festival, Bucarest, Istanbul, Turkey, Gundalajara/Mexico City, Salon de Poesie/Goethe Institute, European Writers Festival, Yerevan etc. Artist Residencies in Nairs/Switzerland, Istanbul/Turkey, Svendborg/Danmark, Johannesburg/South Africa etc. Publications: Von Form von Vorn. Literarisches Hören, performatives Schreiben und Gertrude Stein, Heidelberg 2017, Jono Podmore/Swantje Lichtenstein: Lewes/Miss Slipper, PSY004, Duesseldorf/London 2016 (Record), Is the artist necessary for making art today, Köln 2016, Transkript, Köln 2016, Ausfindig machen. Sprachkunst und textuelle Verfahren in den Kuensten, Cologne 2015, Kommentararten, Berlin 2015, Geschlecht. Berlin 2013, Covertext: Context, Köln 2013, Horae, Berlin 2011 Entlang der lebendigen Linie, Wien 2010 etc. Translator of V. Place/R. Fitterman: Notes on Conceptual Poetry (Covertext, Berlin 2013) and K. Goldsmith: Uncreative Writing (Unkreatives Schreiben, Berlin 2017) etc. Professor for Text and Aesthetic Practices at the Universtity of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf, teaches language arts at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and liminal agencies at the Institut for Music and Media/Robert Schuman-Conservatory, KHM (Academy of Media Arts), University of Delhi, Unversity of Cologne etc. Organizer of LCD-Duesseldorf (2010-2014), cOsmOsmOse-Festival for Performance Poetry and Verbophonie (since 2013, Cologne, Duesseldorf, Karlsruhe) unter
www.swantjelichtenstein.de, www.covertext.org, https://soundcloud.com/swantje-lichtenstein, https://lichtensteinpodmore.bandcamp.com/releases